About Insignis
The Review Board
The operations of the Insignis Program for Honors Students are overseen by the Insignis
Program Review Board.
The membership of the Insignis Program Review Board consists of:
- The Director of the Insignis Program
- Two faculty representatives, recommended by the Director and appointed by the Provost
- One representative from the Admissions Department appointed by the Director of Admissions
- Two student representatives, generally the junior and senior year officers or others chosen by the members of the program.
The duties of the Review Board are:
- To approve or reject applications from potential students
- To approve or reject proposals for senior projects and undergraduate assistantships
- To approve or reject appeals from students on questions of probation or dismissal
- To approve or reject requests for any waivers from academic or other requirements of the program as described in this handbook
- To advise the Director of the Insignis Program on administration of the program.
- To recommend changes in program policies and procedures.
The officers of the Insignis Program shall be:
- A Senior class representative
- A Junior class representative
- A Sophomore class representative
- A Secretary
These officers shall be chosen each year in a special election held for the purpose
and officers for the coming year will be announced at the annual Symposium. Unless
other arrangements are made with the Director, the Senior and Junior year representatives
will serve on the Insignis Program Review Board.
The class representatives will be responsible for communicating information to and
from the members of the group, the officers and the Director.
The Secretary, working with the Director, will coordinate communications within the
All officers will be expected to fulfill the requirements of the Student Activities
Office regarding training and liaison as with other student activity groups.
Program Goals
The Aquinas College Insignis program aims to:
- provide intellectually invigorating courses,
- provide guided independent research,
- graduate students who are prepared to serve as leaders in their communities,
- attract and retain students of high academic ability,
- endow one Spectrum Scholarship.
Student Learner Outcomes (SLOs)
Upon graduation students who have earned the Insignis designation will demonstrate:
- an ability to synthesize advanced research skills within his or her major discipline,
- excellent written and oral communication skills,
- the ability to work independently,
- the capability to lead or serve within a specific community.
1985 - 2010: 25th Anniversary of the Insignis Honors Program
The Insignis Honors Program celebrated its 25 anniversary in 2010. Learn how the program
began, what students and alumni think about Insignis and what fun was had from 1985-2010.
Academic Affairs
(616) 632-2151